Eyebrow Shaping 101 pt. 2

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Alright, now comes the fun part, learning how to fill in your eyebrows! Filling in your eyebrows helps to brighten up your face and create a more defined shape. First thing I tell all my clients, especially those who have their eyebrows shaped for the very first time: Like any new technique or skill, it takes time and practice to master. 

I like to use an eyebrow pencil when filling in clients’ eyebrows. There are many different products available. I also use powders, brow gel, and creams but I have found pencils are the most forgiving product and easily blended into the eyebrow hairs. It is also the best for reshaping or correcting your eyebrows. You want to make sure you are first using a color that matches your eyebrow hairs. 

For brunettes, choose a pencil that is one to two shades lighter than your hair color. Eyebrow pencils tend to be a bit cooler in color and once applied to the skin they warm up and blend in. Choosing a darker color can potentially make your eyebrows a little too dark (unless that’s the look you’re going for). In contrast, blonde-haired ladies, you want to choose a color one to two shades darker. Blondes tend to have really light eyebrows, so in order for them to be seen, the pencil needs to be slightly darker. I mainly use a taupe or dark brown color and find that those shades work for almost everyone’s eyebrows.   

Once you have picked the right pencil, you’re ready to start filling those babies in! Start with the pencil in the bottom inner corner of your eyebrow, closest to the nose. Follow the bottom line of your eyebrow with your pencil in a straight line out to your arch. Then go back through with a clean mascara wand and blend up and through your eyebrow hairs. Make another line starting at the top inner corner of your eyebrow and across to your upper arch. Once again, be sure to go back and blend your line through the hairs, this helps to provide definition to your eyebrow shape, while also keeping the natural look. Now, starting at the top arch of your eyebrow, using your pencil follow the line of eyebrow hairs down the side of your face and blend. 

To give the appearance of fuller eyebrows, start your line from the top of the arch out a little further than your eyebrow hairs. This creates an “arch” in your eyebrows, then drop the line down the side of your face a tad higher than your eyebrow line. Then, make a line from your lower arch line out to connect the top line at a point on the side of your face. From here, brush and fill in any of the gaps you may see. For someone who has straight eyebrows that don’t drop down the side of the face, the easiest way to make them appear fuller, and longer is to simply extend your pencil line out about 1-2 centimeters. Start by drawing a line at the top arch, where your brows end, and extend your line down. Then draw another line from the bottom point of your brow down to meet the other line. This should create a thin triangle-like line. Lightly fill in any gaps that may fill be seen and light blend out the lines with a mascara wand to make them more natural. 

Now that you have the basics of eyebrow shaping down, your next step would be to grow and leave your eyebrows untouched for 2 weeks! Even if you’re a tweezer, this means no tweezing or touching up! Then you will want to schedule an appointment to get your eyebrows done. Remember, you can always let your eyebrow expert know the desired shape you are going for. It might take a few appointments to get there, but that is the beauty of filling in your eyebrows.

Start experimenting with shaping and filling in your eyebrows. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much it can enhance your face and brighten your eyes! 

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